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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Is this ...

... a rat (not a baby baby possum)? When I went to refill the birdbath, I saw a small gray fuzzy thing moving and went back to get the camera so I could take a picture and actually see it. I didn't think it would still be there when I came back but it was ....

He didn't appear to be scared of me, which is weird, but maybe that's because something's wrong with his R eye? ...

Maybe he's the little creature I tried to save from Scruffy a few weeks ago - he seemed dead at first but when I chased the cat away, he ran off towards the house and I lost sight of him. He doesn't seem very survival-proficient :(


Anonymous Victor said...

**)He doesn't seem very survival-proficient :( **)

Crystal all "I" can say is that the human animal world is lucky to have you on their side. "I" wish we gods could say the same about this 98% body cells of human flesh that we find ourselves in these days. Long story short Crystal, "I" can understand why Victor's MOM left this world on this day about nine years ago.

We gods have been very patient with this soul of Victor and long story short, we put a pigeon in the middle of the highway for him and all he did was slow down a little and then Victor's so called two per sent age cells just continued thinking that the so called bird would have flew away but as Victor and his passengers heard the dump, dump, "I" mean the tum, tum, Victor just drove off.

Don't let him fool YA! That "Jesus" didn't help him out and as Victor looked into the back mirror all he saw was feathers falling and longer story short, we gave his soul such a guilt trip that he went back but of course, we gods had taken every sign of the accident away and.......

END YA SAY sinner vic?

Please leave my dead family out of "IT" NOW!

Go figure brothers and sisters in Christ? :)


2:37 PM  

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